One Goal Library goes live!

After nearly a year in the making, Big Red Truck Learning Systems is please to announce the launch of the One Goal Library. This platform is a comprehensive and easy-to-use library of critical resources for families of special needs and autistic children. “We know how challenging it can be to find the right resources for your child and how time consuming it can be to find relevant and current information on autism and learning/disability challenges. We created the One Goal Library to make this process easier and to help locate the right resources and information faster. Our one goal is to help families find the information they need”, says Big Red Truck CEO Keith Vargo.

The database contains a directory of U.S. based agencies that serve the autism and learning disabilities community. The library also contains hundreds of articles written and published on topics related to learning disabilities and speech and developmentally delayed children.  Big Red Truck Learning Systems is committed to continually adding to the database as additional resources and information become available.  If users have any additional agencies or articles they feel should to be added to the directory, please submit the information to Big Red Truck Learning Systems at the email address listed below.

Big Red Truck Learning Systems introduced the Wearables Series in 2020 with the goal of nine (9) gameboard designs released by the end of 2021.   Each gameboard is focused on unique aspects of the learning process and how a child may interact with a parent and/or educator during the learning process.  The game combines those attributes in a fun, easy-to-use format that utilizes a downloadable app to direct game play.  The app is available from both the iOS and Google Play stores.

About Big Red Truck Learning Systems:  After finding success with their own speech delayed child, the founders of Big Red Truck were determined to share this program with other struggling families.  This pursuit led to the development of Big Red Truck Learning Systems, an innovative way to combine an instructional app with physical interaction.  For more information on the company and its Wearables Series, please visit  Inquiries or requests for information should be directed to:

Motor Skills gameboard in the Wearables Series is now available for sale.

The release of the Motor Skills gameboard represents the third installment and completion of series A of the Big Red Truck Wearables Series. “The feedback we received from the Treasure Map and Letters and Numbers gameboards was that the kids enjoyed the various motor skills challenges embedded within the game. As a team, we had previously discussed designing a standalone gameboard for this – the feedback we received confirmed a market need for it”, said Keith Vargo, CEO of Big Red Truck. The Motor Skills gameboard is designed to stimulate and strengthen a child’s motor skills. He/she is encouraged to trace fun paths in all directions, up and down, left to right, and right to left. Building strong motor skills and dexterity are important developmental milestones for a child.  In addition, the child is being encouraged to interact with the gameboard in a non-linear fashion which serves to stimulate creativity and encourage children to think in different ways (non-linear).

Big Red Truck Learning Systems introduced the Wearables Series in 2020 with the goal of nine (9) gameboard designs released by the end of 2021.   Each gameboard is focused on unique aspects of the learning process and how a child may interact with a parent and/or educator during the learning process.  The game combines those attributes in a fun, easy-to-use format that utilizes a downloadable app to direct game play.  The app is available from both the iOS and Google Play stores.

About Big Red Truck Learning Systems:  After finding success with their own speech delayed child, the founders of Big Red Truck were determined to share this program with other struggling families.  This pursuit led to the development of Big Red Truck Learning Systems, an innovative way to combine an instructional app with physical interaction.  For more information on the company and its Wearables Series, please visit  Inquiries or requests for information should be directed to:

Treasure Map gameboard in the Wearables Series is now available for sale.

Following the successful launch of the Letters and Numbers design, Big Red Truck Learning Systems has released its second design, Treasure Map.  “The genesis for this design was watching how interested and engaged my son was while looking at a pirate’s treasure map.  At Big Red Truck we are always looking to integrate fun into the learning process so what better way than to use a treasure map as the backdrop for this design.  All kids love a treasure map and the possibilities they present!”, says Big Red Truck CEO Keith Vargo.  The interactive map is full of animals and shapes with various paths to build motor skills.  Th adventurer’s toolkit allows the child to process add-on concepts to core game activities.  As a child plays the game, he/she will see themselves as the explorer in the game to help build confidence to become more adventurous and to try new things.

Big Red Truck Learning Systems introduced the Wearables Series in 2020 with the goal of nine (9) gameboard designs released by the end of 2021.   Each gameboard is focused on unique aspects of the learning process and how a child may interact with a parent and/or educator during the learning process.  The game combines those attributes in a fun, easy-to-use format that utilizes a downloadable app to direct game play.  The app is available from both the iOS and Google Play stores.

About Big Red Truck Learning Systems:  After finding success with their own speech delayed child, the founders of Big Red Truck were determined to share this program with other struggling families.  This pursuit led to the development of Big Red Truck Learning Systems, an innovative way to combine an instructional app with physical interaction.  For more information on the company and its Wearables Series, please visit  Inquiries or requests for information should be directed to:

Letters and Numbers gameboard in the Wearables series is now available for sale.

After more than 6 months of R&D, testing, and numerous prototypes, the Letters and Numbers wearable gameboard is now available for purchase on the Big Red Truck ecommerce site.  This design teaches provides the child with a basic letters and numbers foundation upon which he/she will be able to build additional language skills.  The crossword puzzle design also contains animal names in both English and Spanish to make learning a second language fun.   The Letters and Numbers gameboard is the first design release for Big Red Truck Learning Systems, and makes the official launch of the new Wearables Series of designs.

“We’ve been building towards this launch for more than a year now and are very excited to finally see it happen.  Our committed team of educators, clinicians and parents have played an integral role in the launch of the series”, says Big Red Truck CEO, Keith Vargo.  “It’s very gratifying to see something that we are all passionate about come to fruition.”

Big Red Truck Learning Systems plans the release of two (2) additional gameboard designs in Q2 2020:  the Treasure Map gameboard and Motor Skills gameboard.

Big Red Truck Learning Systems introduced the concept of a Wearables Series in 2020 with the goal of nine (9) gameboard designs released by the end of 2021.   Each gameboard is focused on unique aspects of the learning process and how a child may interact with a parent and/or educator during the learning process.  The game combines those attributes in a fun, easy-to-use format that utilizes a downloadable app to direct game play.  The app is available from both the iOS and Google Play stores.

About Big Red Truck Learning Systems:  After finding success with their own speech delayed child, the founders of Big Red Truck were determined to share this program with other struggling families.  This pursuit led to the development of Big Red Truck Learning Systems, an innovative way to combine an instructional app with physical interaction.  For more information on the company and its Wearables Series, please visit  Inquiries or requests for information should be directed to:

Big Red Truck app is now available for download in the Google Play and iOS stores.

Beginning in early 2019, the Big Red Truck Learning Systems  team worked tirelessly to complete development of an app that would effectively support the wearable gameboard concept.  The focus was to build an app that was engaging, fun and easy-to-use.  The compnay is pleased to annouce that version 1.6 of the Big Red Truck app was approved to publish on both the Google Play and Apple stores.  “This is a milestone moment for the company that is a culmination of thousands of hours of hard work, development and testing”, says Keith Vargo, CEO of Big Red Truck.  “We focused on the user experience while developing the app to make sure it created a fun experience for the child, while providing teachers and therapists insightful development information to better design ongoing curriculum for the child.”  This version of the app features three (3) levels of play for each wearables Series design, with additional levels of play for each design scheduled for release by early 2021.

Big Red Truck Learning Systems introduced the Wearables Series in 2020 with the goal of nine (9) gameboard designs released by the end of 2021.   Each gameboard is focused on unique aspects of the learning process and how a child may interact with a parent and/or educator during the learning process.  The game combines those attributes in a fun, easy-to-use format that utilizes a downloadable app to direct game play.  The app is available from both the iOS and Google Play stores.

About Big Red Truck Learning Systems:  After finding success with their own speech delayed child, the founders of Big Red Truck were determined to share this program with other struggling families.  This pursuit led to the development of Big Red Truck Learning Systems, an innovative way to combine an instructional app with physical interaction.  For more information on the company and its Wearables Series, please visit  Inquiries or requests for information should be directed to:

Big Red Truck Learning Systems website launches!

Big things are happening at Big Red Truck Learning Systems – we are pleased to announce the official launch of the Big Red Truck website!  The website provides valuable information and techniques for individuals looking for a creative new approach towards connecting with children who are having a difficult time learning and making physical connection with the teacher or parent.

The Big Red Truck system is comprised of an interactive app and a series of wearable gameboard designs that the child interacts with as directed by the app.  Game performance is scored and then stored in the database to allow educators to track the child’s performance over time and to create specific educational plans to address areas that are more challenging for the child.  The system represent a new way for parents, educators, and therapists to engage with children.

Big Red Truck Learning Systems introduced the Wearables Series in 2020 with the goal of nine (9) gameboard designs released by the end of 2021.   Each gameboard is focused on unique aspects of the learning process and how a child may interact with a parent and/or educator during the learning process.  The game combines those attributes in a fun, easy-to-use format that utilizes a downloadable app to direct game play.  The app is available from both the iOS and Google Play stores.

About Big Red Truck Learning Systems:  After finding success with their own speech delayed child, the founders of Big Red Truck were determined to share this program with other struggling families.  This pursuit led to the development of Big Red Truck Learning Systems, an innovative way to combine an instructional app with physical interaction.  For more information on the company and its Wearables Series, please visit  Inquiries or requests for information should be directed to: